Make your Apache and Sendmail logs more human-readable

LogCleaners -- Make your Apache and Sendmail logs more useful


These are so simple that they are almost not worth listing. I figure someone might be able to make use of them but, thruthfully, a real programmer could do this in their sleep.

I got tired of trying to view log files from Apache and having them wrap on my screen. Unless I was using 4-point font on my 21" monitor, it was a pain to quickly scan the logs for interesting stuff. It was also littered with stuff that I didn't care about. A PERFECT application for Perl.

All this code does is parse the log files and clean them up a bit. It outputs this cleaned version to another file. I run these hourly via a cron job. You can have this output file go to your webserver directory so you can see your logs from anywhere, without the need for an SSH client.

NOTE: There is a significant security risk with placing your log files in a publicly accessible web page. I suggest you either:

  1. Don't do it. Have it dump the output log to a privileged directory.
  2. Put it on an obscure URL that nobody can stumble across. Also, make a .htaccess file containing "Options -Indexes" for that directory.
  3. Password protect the page.

For the Watching Eye

I've added a version that works for watching logs "live" also. This is nice for admins who like to keep a terminal window open while they are working. Tailing /var/log/secure would be a good one also.

The live versions follow right after the post-process versions and are almost devoid of documentation.

What Do They Do?

Not a whole heck of a lot.

Ideally I guess the substitutions should be loaded into a hash but for such a small task, who cares.

The Apache Log Cleaner:

The Sendmail Log Cleaner:

The Apache Log Cleaner Code

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# See for notes and details
use strict;
$| = 1;
# Enter things in the exclusion string below that you do not want
# to see.  Note that if these things are contained anywhere in
# the log line, the ENTIRE line is deleted from the output.
our $excl = "stinky\.cgi|images\/|html_report|WebDAV"; 
our $login1 = "/var/log/httpd/access_log";
my  $logonesize = '300'; # Number of lines from log one to clean
our $login2 = "/var/log/httpd/access_log-sitetwo_log";
my  $logtwosize = '100'; # Number of lines from log two to clean
our $login3 = "/var/log/httpd/access_log-sitethree_log";
my  $logthreesize = '200'; # Number of lines from log three to clean

our $logoutput = "/var/log/httpd/weblogout.txt";

our $maxwidth = 156; # Set for your screen size/resolution/font


   print "Processing your log...\n\n";
   open (USEROUT, ">$logoutput")|| die ("Could not open file. \n $!");
   print USEROUT "\n\n================  First Site =================\n\n";
   open (USERIN, $login1)|| die ("Could not open file. \n $!");
   print USEROUT Cleaner($logonesize);
   close (USERIN);
#### Delete the following eight lines if you only have one log ####
   print USEROUT "\n\n================= Second Site =================\n\n";
   open (USERIN, $login2)|| die ("Could not open file. \n $!");
   print USEROUT Cleaner($logtwosize);
   close (USERIN);

   print USEROUT "\n\n================= Third Site =================\n\n";
   open (USERIN, $login3)|| die ("Could not open file. \n $!");
   print USEROUT Cleaner($logthreesize);
   close (USERIN);

   close (USEROUT);


sub Cleaner
my ($text, $pos) = '';
my $count = $_[0];
my @build = ();
my @final = ();

$text = <USERIN>;

while ($text) {
   if ($text !~ m/$excl/i){

# Enter things to substitute in the form of s/string-to-replace/replacement-string/

        $text =~ s/18\.72\.0\.3 /      WORK      /;
        $text =~ s/24\.20\.100\.240 /    BUBBA\@HOME  /;
        $text =~ s/4\.3\.170\.200 /    MICHAEL     /;
        unless ($text =~ m/google|msn\.com|yahoo|bot/) {
             $text = substr($text, 0, $maxwidth);
             $text = substr($text, 0, (index($text,"\"Mozi"))) . "\n";
        push (@build, $text); # Build of a reduced copy of the log
   $text = <USERIN>;

$pos = @build; # Count the number of lines 
if ($pos > $count) {
        # work from the end and build up the final line count
        while ($count > 0) {
                $pos --;
                $count --;
                unshift (@final, $build[$pos]);
        } # End while
} # End if
else {@final = @build;}

return @final;

} # End sub Cleaner


The LIVE Version for Apache Logs

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See for notes and details
use strict;
use Socket;
my($LOG) = '/var/log/httpd/access_log';

# enter the strings for lines you do NOT want to see
my($REASONS) = '(stinky\.cgi|images)';
our $maxwidth = 156; # Set for your screen size/resolution/font

print "\nInitializing...\n";

sub taillog {
   my($offset, $line);
   $offset = (-s $LOG); # Don't start at begining, go to end

   while (1==1) {
       $| = 1;
       if ((-s $LOG) < $offset) {
           print "Log shrunk, resetting..\n";
           $offset = 0;
       open(TAIL, $LOG) || print STDERR "Error opening $LOG: $!\n";

        if (seek(TAIL, $offset, 0)) {
           # found offset, log not rotated
       } else {
           # log reset, follow
           seek(TAIL, $offset, 0);
       while ($line = <TAIL>) {
           if (($REASONS) && ($line !~ m/$REASONS/)) {

             $line =~ s/18\.72\.0\.3 /      WORK      /;
             $line =~ s/24\.20\.100\.240 /    BUBBA\@HOME  /;
             $line =~ s/4\.3\.170\.200 /    MICHAEL     /;
             $line = substr($line, 0, $maxwidth);
             $line = substr($line, 0, (index($line,"\"Mozi"))) . "\n";

             print $line;


Sendmail Log Cleaner Code

#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
# See for notes and details
use strict;
$| = 1;
# Enter things in the exclusion string below that you do not want
# to see.  Note that if these things are contained anywhere in
# the log line, the ENTIRE line is deleted from the output.
our $excl = "STARTTLS=|Command stream end of file";
our $maillogin = "/var/log/maillog"; # Log to analyze
our $maillogout = "/var/www/html/yoursite/sendmaillogs.txt"; # Output file
our $maxwidth = 250; # Set for your screen size/resolution/font


   print "Processing your log...\n\n";
   open (USERIN, $maillogin);
   open (USEROUT, ">$maillogout");
   close (USERIN);
   close (USEROUT);


sub Cleaner
my $text = '';
$text = <USERIN>;

while ($text) {
   if ($text !~ m/$excl/i){
# Enter things to substitute in the form of s/string-to-replace/replacement-string/

        $text =~ s/18\.72\.0\.3 /      WORK      /;
        $text =~ s/24\.20\.100\.240 /    BUBBA\@HOME  /;
        $text =~ s/4\.3\.170\.200 /    MICHAEL     /;
        $text =~ s/ \w+ sendmail\[[0-9]+\]: \w+/:-sendmail/;
        $text =~ s/ \w+ spamd\[[0-9]+\]/:   -SA-  /;
        $text =~ s/ \w+ imapd\[[0-9]+\]/:   imap  /;
        $text =~ s/ \w+ ipop3d\[[0-9]+\]/:   pop3  /;
        $text =~ s/ \(Message received: .+\@/ \(Message received: XX\@/;
        $text =~ s/ delay=.+,|xdelay=.+,|class=[0-9],|ctladdr=.+,|pri=.+,|nrcpts=.+,|proto=.+,|daemon=.+//g;
        $text = substr($text, 0, $maxwidth);
        if ($text !~ m/\n$/) {
                $text .= "\n";
        print USEROUT $text;
   $text = <USERIN>;
   print "\.";
print "\n";


The LIVE Version for Sendmail Logs

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See for notes and details
use strict;
use Socket;
my($LOG) = '/var/log/maillog';

my($REASONS) = '(STARTTLS=|Command stream end of file)';
our $maxwidth = 156; # Set for your screen size/resolution/font

print "\nInitializing...\n";

sub taillog {
   my($offset, $line, $reason);
   $offset = (-s $LOG); # Don't start at begining, go to end

   while (1==1) {
       $| = 1;
       if ((-s $LOG) < $offset) {
           print "Log shrunk, resetting..\n";
           $offset = 0;
       open(TAIL, $LOG) || print STDERR "Error opening $LOG: $!\n";

        if (seek(TAIL, $offset, 0)) {
           # found offset, log not rotated
       } else {
           # log reset, follow
           seek(TAIL, $offset, 0);
       while ($line = <TAIL>) {
           if (($REASONS) && ($line !~ m/$REASONS/)) {
               $reason = $1;

             $line =~ s/ \w+ sendmail\[[0-9]+\]: \w+/:-sendmail/;
             $line =~ s/ \w+ spamd\[[0-9]+\]/:   -SA-  /;
             $line =~ s/ \w+ imapd\[[0-9]+\]/:   imap  /;
             $line =~ s/ \(Message received: .+\@/ \(Message received: XX\@/;
             $line =~ s/\,mid=\<.+\>//;
             $line =~ s/ delay=.+,|xdelay=.+,|class=[0-9],|ctladdr=.+,|pri=.+,|nrcpts=.+,|proto=.+,|daemon=.+//g;
             $line = substr($line, 0, $maxwidth);
                if ($line !~ m/\n$/) {
                     $line .= "\n";
             print $line;



Copyright 2004

Vectors at